Saturday, May 8, 2010


Saw this on a website :
Please make sure following criteria are met while entering password :
> New password and confirm password should match

> New password should contain atleast 1 uppercase , 1 lowercase,
1 numeric , 1 special character and minimum 8 characters

> Current password must be correct

If only I could provide feedback, it would be thus -
1. I have enough passwords to remember, thank you. I don't want to create a new password so obscure that I will never be able to remember it.
2. Are you generally this insecure about life? Given that you don't really store creditcard numbers or any such confidential info, do you seriously think someone is trying to hack your passwords? GMail doesn't have that strict a criteria, and theres way more confidential information in there.
3. You have just dissuaded me from registering on your website. Ever.

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